The Debate Summit series exists as a forum designed to explain, test and defend various aspects of the Christian worldview by interacting with qualified representatives of non-Christian worldviews in moderated public debates. Our goal is to create and maintain an atmosphere of civility, mutual respect and the open exchange of ideas.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Word From Dr. Ed Buckner

I'm delighted that I'll be a part of "The Debate Summit" in March and I urge everyone--Christians, Atheists, and everyone else--to attend and to come prepared to learn and to be stimulated, to see things from a different perspective. Jay Lucas has noted on this site that he'd love to see me as "the first Christian President of American Atheists," and I'm flattered and honored at his goal. Mine, of course, is to develop Jay--clearly a good speaker and a fine guy--as "the first Atheist Senior Pastor of Grace Community Church." I fear our expectations may be mutually frustrated, but I hope your expectations are to learn, to think, to enjoy seeing and participating in a mutually respectful, good-natured exchange about matters that all of us think are profoundly important, deeply worth our time and contemplation.

And I hope that your expectations will fare far better than Jay's or mine are likely to.

And if anyone knows some good arguments I can use (or maybe some good dirt on Jay--what the hey, it couldn't hurt, right?), please e-mail come to our website, or post your wisdom on our blog-- (The No God Blog).

See everyone in March!

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